Post by Ludovic CourtèsPost by b***@dei.unipd.itPS: In an old user manual I found there was a trick to make
greek italic letters in equation, but it seems not working
Which trick are you referring to?
I am sorry for the late, it took me some time to find it.
In the 3.24 User's Guide, last section of the chapter on Equation,
"An alternative version that uses TEX's fonts":
<<It is possible to gain access to characters in the TEX fonts that
are not accessible directly from @Eq, mainly script capitals and
bold-italic Greek letters.>>
I think italic Greek letters are quite important in producing
scientific documents, since variable and constant need to be
in italic.
This is what I have been told and what I read on scientific
typography, but if anybody has a better idea, please
-please- let me know: this is worrying me, and I do not want to
use LaTeX, only because I cannot make italic Greek letters in lout...
Many thanks, and my best wishes for a happy new year.
Post by Ludovic CourtèsHello,
Post by b***@dei.unipd.itmay I ask a little help to "find a Type1 Greek font that has
the variations I need", i.e. at least Italic?
I would really need to have Greek italic symbols in my equations...
I don't know of any font that would do the job (and I suspect it would
once posted a PostScript trick to use geometrically slanted Greek
Unfortunately, the patch is no longer accessible.
Post by b***@dei.unipd.itPS: In an old user manual I found there was a trick to make
greek italic letters in equation, but it seems not working
Which trick are you referring to?
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